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In this episode, I get to speak with Jesse Well, he’s the creator of habit-based lifestyle. He’s the best author for a man in the mirror, a podcast coast for habit-based lifestyle and a multimillion-dollar fitness business owner. So he’s got some of The technology that your mind can use and building habits is a surefire way to get the success that you’re looking for. And we all have habits and Jesse here, he’s created this system that helps you figure out what habits are going to get you to the next level. 

Enjoy the episode!

Our Guest

Hacks to take Away

  • The best author for a man in the mirror, a podcast coast for habit based lifestyle and multimillion dollar fitness business owner.
  • Some of the technology that your mind can use and building habits is a surefire way to get the success that you’re looking for.
  • Figure out what habits are going to get you to the next level.
  • Built a multimillion-dollar fitness business.
  • Relationship habits no one ever taught you about.
  • Paying attention to your life.
  • It’s the lifestyle of habits that I’ve lived that has gotten me to where I am.

Read Full Transcript

Junaid Ahmed 0:10
Thank you for tuning in to hacks and hobbies with your host Janae. In Season Two of hacks and hobbies were visited by our amazing guests coming from all walks of life, want to learn their story, their struggles and their journey on how they got to where they are today. So stick around.

In this episode, I get to speak with Jesse Well, he's the creator of habit based lifestyle. He's the best author for a man in the mirror, a podcast coast for habit based lifestyle and multimillion dollar fitness business owner. So he's got some of The technology that your mind can use and building habits is a surefire way to get the success that you're looking for. And we all have habits and Jesse here, he's created this system that helps you figure out what habits are going to get you to the next level. So Jesse, thank you so much for taking the time and coming on to the podcast.

Jesse Ewell 1:30
Yeah, thank you for having me on.

Junaid Ahmed 1:33
Awesome man. So we connected through Facebook we connected through the different social media platforms and I like what you're teaching man is the habit based lifestyle. You know, how did you come up with this terminology or, or what inspired you to thinking these, you know, bring your mindset to this to this level and start this operation or start this lifestyle what's the word? So what took you? What brought you to here? You know?

Jesse Ewell 2:09
Yeah, so kind of the way you know things started for me is I was always into athletics. I was always into sports. Those were things that I always Excel that and I had this strong foundation in working out fitness. I got my first gym membership at 12 years old. I started a box amateur boxing at nine years old. Wow. So I was always very into fitness and around 1617 years old, I seen myself as Hey, I remember sitting in class being like, Hey, I'm going home, my own gym one day. You know, back then there wasn't really personal training. So it's kind of like woman on Jan, because that's what that's what I thought, you know, the best thing would be So, I went through college, some college played some college football in Southern California are actually a junior college football in Central California. And as I stopped playing football, I, you know, got into bodybuilding around 17 years old, and really started to take that on and I did that up until almost 2324. But as I was doing that I started training people just kind of on the side and at the time, I couldn't get a job, any of the local gyms because everybody kind of knew who I was. And back then I was into just some legal things like selling drugs, selling steroids, stuff like that. So no one really wanted to hire me. And so I made a move to at the time I was living in Spokane, Washington. Tonight, I moved to Seattle, Washington. And since no one knew me over there, it was a lot easier to get a job at a gym. So I started working at a powerhouse gym. Man, this is around like 2000 2001. And at that time, you know, it was like I was living about an hour and a half drive from the gym was costing me more to get to the gym than it actually was what I was making at the gym. Yeah. So I did that for about 910 months, I got to the point where, you know, it was just, it was like, I wasn't making any money. It was constantly more to drive. So I ended up getting a different job. And as I got this other job at a gym, I remember going in and one of the first things that they said was like, Hey, we don't know if you could actually do this. So I remember the guy telling me basically Hey, if you have to go introduce you to tell it to like five People in you have to know their name and what their goal is, by the time you're done and I'm like sitting there like, man, do I like punch this guy? Or do I actually did do this? And so I ended up going and introducing myself to some members, I ended up getting the job and I end up basically being this guy's boss, like a year later, and within like, two years, I was managing the entire gym.

And then I met my wife, and I kind of got to this place where I'd work for the gym for, I think it was like four, four or five years. I got to this place was like, you know, I think I want to start my own training facility. Because that was what I missed. And I was like a general manager, kind of learning the whole business, marketing, all that and so, me and my wife decided to start our own personal training facility. It started out like a 2200 square foot space, we expanded within the first two years to almost a 5000 square foot space. And then a year later, we ended up opening a second facility. And, you know, we built it up to basically a multimillion dollar fitness business, but throughout that building the business, we have, you know, three kids, but as we built the business, you know, I also focus very heavily on the business and I kind of became disconnected with my wife. And not only that, just, you know, my, my emphasis was on the business. It was kind of like she was to take care of the kids. We got disconnected and I got introduced to a program called wake up warrior about five years ago, and they basically it was like I had good business habits. I had good you know, body habits. But it was like no one ever taught you about, you know, relationship habits no one ever taught you about, you know, these spiritual habits that you can have, you know, especially around like meditation, you know, whatever your beliefs are, whether it's, you know, you're a Christian, you know, whatever it was just like it didn't really matter what it was, what mattered is that you had habits that you're, you know, studying, you know, spirituality, you were working on yourself, you're, you know, doing a lot of self care. And then not only that, but you were paying attention to your life. And so as I went through this program, I realized I was kind of like a one or two dimensional, like douchebag I'm focused very heavily on my business and my body and my I kind of left my wife and my kids on the back burner. And as I started to go through this program, I really realized that you know, it would it had a very big emphasis on my body business. They call that being which is like spirituality and then balance which was like your marriage relationships. And so I really started to adopt all of these principles and these habits and as I kind of began to live in this place my marriage You know, completely changed we started going on date nights, you know, I started leaving my wife messages every single day. And I really started to focus on you know, kind of building up myself these two areas that I hadn't worked on and you know, my my marriage changed my life changed my business got better. My you know, even my health got better. You know, and here I am like this, you know, fitness professional. Owning two gyms back then I was I was chewing tobacco that I had done for 26 years. I quit that and so I kind of stopped doing a lot Lot of these things, I started scaling my business I started kind of just working on marketing and pushing everybody else to the front of my business and really just learning how to scale it and our revenue. At one point hit nearly 2 million that it was right around $2 million a year in business and revenue we are doing. Yeah. And we were Yeah, we were like killing it in training. It was kind of like, the less I did, the easier it got. And it was really, it was really kind of backwards the way you because in business, you're kind of taught to, you know, grind and really hustle. And yeah, I found that the more I trusted the people around me, the more we could scale the business. So kind of a long story short, I went to the program. You know, I was in it for for nearly five years. But throughout that I started coaching

And I realized a lot of what I was doing in business and training was I was talking to people about other areas of life, but there just wasn't a huge emphasis. And so that switched, for me really dialing in to talking about, hey, listen, the thing that's holding you back in your business isn't, you know, your business that your relationships, you know, maybe it's your body, or maybe it's just how you feel about yourself. And so, as I started to have this frame of habits, I live this like, you know, to the, I mean, I was number one case study for like years. Yeah. And so I started coaching for them. About three and a half, four years ago. I did several the warrior weeks, I was one of the lead trainers. And then I started, I was the head coach for them for that a certified trainer program where we would certify people to teach the Warriors way and kind of the the whole process of it and as I said, started to do this and live this I started kind of taking it to a deeper level and understanding you know why people have the habits they do good or bad and then how to actually shift them out of those how to change them not only that but like how to take your marriage to okay you're you're taking your wife on date night you take your marriage is changed, but how do I take it to the city level? Or how do I you know, not just look at my body from the external place but actually internal and start going into like blood work. You know, biohacking optimizing, like different areas of my life. And so, through that I moved to Southern California. We talked a little bit earlier about 15 months ago. Yeah. And I was working for warrior when I first got here. My contracted ran up and it was kind of like okay, well, what are you going to do now? And I'm like, think I want to take this message but Like go, you know, deeper into these areas. Yeah. And in start my own business and I'm like What have I done my whole life that's helped me get to where I am and I look back and I'm like, it's it's the habits that I've lived. It's the lifestyle of habits that I've lived that have gotten me to where I am. And so that's where habit based lifestyle was created.

Junaid Ahmed 12:25
Very, very cool man. Totally see the different tangents, I totally see the different steps that you had to take because like you said, you had to move from one city in Washington to a different city because people didn't know you. And a lot of the times when you're specifically in the area of expertise that you're in, it's all local based, right? So people that are local to that gym, are going to know who you are. moving to a new place totally gave you that fresh start in the US. All this experience, now you can apply it to a totally new market and bring to them, you know what you know, and be able to find that job. But again, even though you got in right there, you still had those limitations or you still had the issues, okay? You're not making enough to drive out there because gas costs a lot of money, right and right, and that that also goes into show, you know, how limited public transportation is available in our societies. And that's a totally different conversation. is really cool is that you learned from your mistakes or you learn from what wasn't working, and then found out you know, how can we make this really work?

Jesse Ewell 13:49
Right, yeah. And I will tell you this too, like when I moved from Spokane to Seattle, where I lived, like, dude, I had nothing. I had it. I had a friend that dropped me off. I didn't have my own car, I borrowed a car from a friend I lived with a friend rent free for like a year. Just to try to figure stuff out. So yeah, yeah.

Junaid Ahmed 14:12
Yeah, having those, see having those friends, having those external sources to provide you the help is also essential, right? Because if you didn't have that extra friend to help you spot you know, you know, it would be much, much harder. And there's people that go through those so we it's these smaller blessings that help us get to the next level in anytime somebody says I built my company on my own as such a BS years being such a bigot or such a arrogant person because you would not be on this planet. If your mom and dad didn't bring you on, you know, you wouldn't have gone through school. Like every single person in our life, helps us helps us get to the Next level. So it's really cool to appreciate those people and acknowledge that I'm really loved the story like is was it in Washington or Spokane? Or you move to Seattle from Spokane right?

Jesse Ewell 15:19

Junaid Ahmed 15:19
So is it was it in Seattle that you had the multimillion dollar business going on?

Jesse Ewell 15:25
Yeah. So it was a place called Tacoma Carver. I had a gym and each, each city and they separated each other by about two miles. But yeah, that's where I eventually kind of, you know, lived and you know, for the last like, 1516 years, yeah, we lived up until about 15 months ago.

Junaid Ahmed 15:49
Nice. So what made you decide to come to California specifically, and not a different part of the United States?

Jesse Ewell 15:59
Well, Wake up warrior was their headquarters was here. Ok. Ok. I had spent, you know, prior to moving down here I'd spent the three years before anywhere from 15 to 22 weeks a year here. Yeah. So it kind of got to the point where I had to choose between you know, do I stay in Washington and keep managing my gyms? Well, yeah, I was getting burnt out just from the whole, you know, gym thing. And I really wanted to, you know, I started to look at do I really want to own a gym the rest of my life, you're, you know, do I want to get into coaching and at the time I was coaching, high level entrepreneurs inside a wake up warrior and I was running my gyms and I had my gym scaled enough to where I could pretty much work full time, coaching men. And I did that for a few years and it just kind of got to the point where

You know, I'm like, man, I need to

I want to move and live in Southern California.

Junaid Ahmed 17:08

Jesse Ewell 17:09
That was kind of an opening to where I was like, Okay, we got an opportunity to do this. And I was offered a, you know, a pretty good amount of money for my gems to my manager. And so we sold them sold their house packed up and moved. My wife and my three kids here.

Junaid Ahmed 17:31
Nice. That's really really awesome. So, my myself like we spoke in the green room. You know, I grew up in California as well and there's no there's no place else that you can beat. Like California is just a place to be like you have to go there to know what all the hype is about. Yeah, right. And you're so close to the beaches. You know, you and your family. You close to the mountains as well, like I learned snowboard out in California. You like what you snowboard in California? Like Yeah. And there's no other place in the world that you can snowboard in the morning and go, you know, hour, hour and a half drive later you're you're at the beach so you can surf. So it was really cool.

Jesse Ewell 18:21
Yeah, pick up surfing man since I've been here. So that's one of my favorite things to do.

Junaid Ahmed 18:26
Yeah, yeah. And having having a strong body and a strong core definitely helps to do the surfing as well because it requires all that balance and having a strong core. Totally something that people like people don't tell you that you need to have a strong core to either do snowboarding skiing or any of these sports because that's what's keeping your entire body connected. Right? Um, alright, so you moved from Seattle to California or Washington to California, you sold your businesses sold your house and started fresh. So now that you've been here in the in California, and you mentioned earlier that you've been here for the training for the warrior, warrior then many times over the past few years, what is something that's keeping you going on a daily basis here with your new setup?

Jesse Ewell 19:36
Yeah, I mean, I would say the the one, you know, habit I've really always had is like, growing, like, just grow like growth period like, and, and I would say that whatever I did, you know, even back as far as like, you know, selling steroids to owning my own gym to being a personal trainer to you know, working for warrior. I always prided myself on figuring out okay, how do I be the best at this? And even going back to, you know, high school college, like how do I be the best at what I'm doing? So I would figure out, you know how to be the best, you know, steroid dealer which, you know, was not a smart decision, but it was like, Okay, how do I get the best product but it also transferred over into personal training, like how do I be the best trainer? I would go out educate myself, you know, hang out with people who, who I consider the best and then I got into, you know, the personal owning personal training gyms. So then I would go out and I'd go to conferences, continuing education. Yeah, just always trying to push myself to make myself better. And then man, I would say really the last five years. I've You know, I've done stuff, you know, Kokoro 40 years of Zen. I mean, you know biohacking like my entire life to really try to optimize I mean, I would say I've spent probably close to a half million dollars on continuing education, two events, two experiences, just, you know,

Junaid Ahmed 21:25
take could be

Jesse Ewell 21:26
a bed to be the last one I'm actually doing.

In it's fun, like, if you think about it, it's like, you know, most people are kind of like, Hey, I'll go to the gym. You know, lose some way and that's fun, but like, dude, I gotta wake up every day. I could go surfing. I could go mountain biking. You know, I could go running. Yeah, I have a 2000 square foot gym in my office that I built. I could, you know, I can go do read by its I can jump in my sauna. I can do like whatever that Well, I want I've just, you know, created a lifestyle that I've, you know, could, that I actually like dream of. And so, you know, it's like, I look at this as like, every day I get to have fun with clients. Yeah. And I get it like take, I get to help them take their life to the next level, which is creating a lifestyle.

Junaid Ahmed 22:24
No, dude, that's, that's very dreamy. Yeah. So I mean, I mean, you, you, you had that in mind. You know, you as you're developing as you're growing as you're constantly expanding your mind, your body and your network. You're able to get to the point where you've created this future that you would like, you know, I could do this for the rest of my life. Because you have the freedom and that's something that people look for ID. They want that freedom. It's not that you don't enjoy working nine to five, right? It's not that at all, but doing what you absolutely love to do, and helping people achieve their goals. Right. And that that's what coaching is essentially.

Jesse Ewell 23:14
Yeah, let me let's back up a little bit. So let me kind of give some people some some stuff on this is Yeah, you know, when you first start a business, no one tells you, you know, hey, how many hours you got to work, you know, the reality of it is, is it's going to feel like a 24 seven jobs. So the difference is, is you may work nine to five for someone else, and you're just trading time for money. Yeah. And so the only way to make more money is to spend more time at work, but you're kind of limited because work wall may only allow you to work a certain amount of hours, even if they don't. It's like if you work 18 hours you only have six left over and so you have a slave to time for money. Now some people you know make decent money working for someone else. But the reality of it is, is I could never work for anybody. You know, I did for a certain amount of time, but I always had to work in more of a commission based job or performance based job. So when I coach with people, you know, what we start working on is like, Listen, what what type of life do you currently have? And what I find is most people because I work with predominantly entrepreneurs, they're slaves to their business. They're, you know, they're working 1618 hours a day, but they're actually like really only working about two to three hours a day. And so what we do is say, Okay, listen, what kind of lifestyle do you actually want to live? And they're like, What do you mean? I'm like, well, dude, you can create the life that you want. But it's called a lifestyle and you're going to have to live this for 90 days before it actually comes into a lifestyle. Once it's a lifestyle, then you can continue to live this and We really sit down and map out exactly what someone wants their life to look like what they want their business to look like. And so what I, what I really do with people is say, Okay, listen, how many hours a day do you want to work? How much time you want to spend with your family? And what do you want your body to look like? How do you want to feel about yourself? How much money do you want to make? And then let's, once we figure that out, we start working backwards, and what are the habits that are going to support this lifestyle? And so if if I know that working out is going to get me to this place that I want to go, am I going to take the day off? No, you know, if taking my wife on a date, or you know setting up a play day or communicating with my wife in a certain way is going to get my relationship to where I wanted to be. Well, I avoid that no. Same in business. So Most people in business know what they don't want. They don't actually know what they do want. And so what they end up getting is more of what they don't want.

Junaid Ahmed 26:09
Because that's what their focus has been. Like, I don't want that. Well, you're going to get that because that's what's in your mind.

Jesse Ewell 26:15
Sure. So if we take that into marriage, why do most marriages not work? Because people are more focused on what they're not getting instead of what they are getting. Okay, so there's this idea of spending, okay, spending time spending thought, spending energy spending money, okay. or investing. We invest time, money, energy and thought so we can either spend or we can invest. Most people are spending all of their time, all of their thoughts, all of their energy on what they don't have, instead of investing into creating what they actually want. Well

Junaid Ahmed 27:01
That's, that's a really awesome way to look at it. And I'm thinking about what I've been doing and what I've been spending my time and, and I'm thinking to myself, how I've been spending this time, or have I been investing in building something different?

Jesse Ewell 27:20
Sure. So here's, here's how you know, okay, you look at the risk, what are my results? Yeah. My results Tell me if I'm spending or investing. So instead of feeling like I'm a loser, you know, I'm not spending, you know, and it's like, you feel this guilt and shame. It's like, Okay, well, so I've been spending but what if I started investing, like, what could change my life if I just started investing into the thoughts that give me what I want? What if I started investing my time into the things that get me what I want? Yeah. How different can my life be? And it's like man, it takes the same amount of energy to spend or in It's just a choice on what you want to do.

Junaid Ahmed 28:02
Yeah. That's a great point. It's so for an example that I can think of is I invested time in beekeeping right I built the highs I got the bees, I'm and I'm investing the time and feeding them investing so they have everything that they need. So now a year later, I have the result which is 40 pounds of honey. Right so that's investing time in it. I spent countless number of hours on our new backyard that we just had decided put in. So So is it spending time that I'm watering, watering, you know the grass every day. Now, I'm investing my time and watering the grass making sure the leaves are off of the grass, making sure to make mow the lawn. So it grows and it, it becomes the green grass that everybody looks for, you know, when people say the grass is greener on the other side. No, that's wrong. Grass Is Greener, where you water is the most. And I literally see that based on the placement of my sprinklers. I could see circles. Good. This is where it's the greenest. I gotta move it to get to the other points, but yeah, really cool. Okay.

Jesse Ewell 29:26
So here's, here's the other thing you see is people use the language and it'll take you down the path of what they're doing. Yeah. So they'll say things like, Hey, I'm not where I'm supposed to be here. I'm not where I should be. Okay, well, if you're not where you should be, guess where you're going to end up?

Junaid Ahmed 29:44
supposed to be

Jesse Ewell 29:45
exactly where you are. You don't want to be Yeah. Okay. So when we say these things, they're leading us down this path of, you know, I'm not where I should be. You know, I have You know, I could do so much better all these things. And so if we focus on that we never actually get to where we want to be.

Junaid Ahmed 30:07
So you got to think about the things that the place that we want to go,

Jesse Ewell 30:11
right. And so if I'm, if I'm focused on the place, I want to go, I know whether or not I'm going to get there. Okay, so I don't say things like, I'm not where I should be. I'm either not there. I'm there. Yeah. Okay. And so that's the difference and knowing where you want to go without a doubt. And you can have adjustments in that along the way, but like, my habits support that and so the things that I say is like, Hey, I'm not where I should be. I'm not where I want to be. Those don't matter because you just simply say, Hey, I'm not there yet. Yeah. Okay, or I have got there but like, there's a difference when you're playing in the middle and most people are kind of in that land of maybe, okay, they're there or you're not there. But where I should be or shouldn't be, as in the middle. And guess where that keeps you?

Junaid Ahmed 31:01
in the middle? Yeah, she always keeps me in the middle.

Jesse Ewell 31:05
So really my job is to work with people through like the language they speak. So that language produces a habit. It produces a habit of being stuck in the habit loop. Yeah. Okay. And the habit loop means that we're if we're stuck in it, we can't ever get outside of it. And if we can't get outside of it, how do I grow to the next level? Yeah, I can't go to the next level. I just stay stuck.

Junaid Ahmed 31:32
And that's what the rat race is. Right? You're you're stuck in that circle?

Jesse Ewell 31:35
Yeah, you whenever you hear people say, I'm stuck, you know, or you know these things. They're stuck in this place of not knowing what they really want, or just, they're clear on what they don't want. And so yeah, just stay stuck on that.

Junaid Ahmed 31:51
Because then your mind essentially focused on that, like, Hey, I'm stuck. I can't really do anything. I'm just going to stay here. Instead of saying Hey, I'm, I'm going this direction. These are the steps that I've taken so far. And in this much time, I'm going to be there. So no mind creates those opportunities to create an opens those things for you to get to that


Jesse Ewell 32:18
Yeah, I mean, imagine, imagine if you're climbing a mountain. Yeah. The goal was to make it to the top. Okay? Yeah. So if the goal is to make it to the top, and you're halfway there, you're like, Hey, I'm halfway here. I got a little ways to go. But the person who says I'm not where I should be guess where they're at? They're still at the base camp. Yeah. Still telling you Hey, I'm not where I should be in. They haven't moved.

Junaid Ahmed 32:43
Yeah, you know,

Jesse Ewell 32:44
or I'm not where I want to be. Well, guess what? That person's not where they want to be there at the bottom of the mountain still trying to figure out how the hell they get to the first step.

Junaid Ahmed 32:51
Yeah. I was just listening to Greg roulette. He's a He's an Emmy Award winner. But he he's just going to talk about being ambitious. And you could be, you could basically be sitting in a place of not growing because like you said, you know, you keep thinking about, I'm not there, not there, I get to do all these things. And I think a lot of the times what happens is people don't know what the different steps they need to take to get to that next level. Sure, they can learn about, you know, the different tools that are available online, different software, the key pay, but again, how to use it and how to use it effectively. Unless you try it. You're not going to know what you're breaking versus what you're not breaking.

Jesse Ewell 33:51
Sure. And so really where I back people up is now Okay, instead of figuring out all the steps, why don't we just figure out the first step because Here's what happens when we start moving. Yeah, Jess, what else starts moving? whatever I want, right? So if I take the first step up the mountain, all of a sudden the mountain comes closer to me. The top Yeah. But if I stay here and I keep, you know, reading a book, I go to another seminar, I do all these things. It doesn't mean I'm taking a step. It means I'm acquiring more knowledge, more things, but at the same time, I still have to figure out well what is the first step that I gotta take? Yeah, because the minute I move towards what I want that same thing as moving towards me.

Junaid Ahmed 34:45
Wow. You know, there's a saying in the in the Quran, or even in the Bible, I'm sure that the more you Well, the more you pray The more you think of me, you know, God says, the more you think of me, the more I'm thinking of you, I'm going to run closer to you. So you become closer to God. Because that's top of mind for you. And it's true for anything at all like when you're driving when you're cycling when it whenever What are you doing? If you're not taking action, there's no reaction. You're you're still in one place. And yeah, that's so many different ways that you can say the same thing.

Jesse Ewell 35:28
Right? Yeah. So what do most people do? And I'm going to sign up for this course. Yeah. I'm gonna sign up for this course. No, I'm going to read this book. Yeah, I'm gonna go listen to this podcast. Yeah, they still haven't done one thing, right? And that's taken a step.

Junaid Ahmed 35:47

Jesse Ewell 35:48
And the thing with like, religion and God and all these things is like, people pray and you can pray. But if you don't Like listen or take action on what's being preyed upon or so they're calling forward. Yeah, it's not going to come forward and so what it most people do is they pray and wait for something to change or something to happen and they're like, Oh my gosh, you know, God doesn't love me. Yeah, blah blah blah. It's like no, he's been like hitting you on the head. Exactly forward. kept praying.

Junaid Ahmed 36:25
You're absolutely right when they say you know, pray for a camel to be saved but don't forget to tie him down. If you want if you don't want your horse to be stolen, you could play all you want but if you haven't tied him down to a post Well guess what? He's gonna be stolen he's gonna run away whatever. So you so action taking action and doing the homework right? And I was, it came to a realization the other day that I don't like to do homework. Like I can be out there shooting film, shooting video, taking photos. But then coming back home and doing the homework of, you know, going to the footage, that's another level of effort that you have to put your mindset into. Okay, so So why don't you just

Jesse Ewell 37:11
look at the reality of it? Yeah.

You You need to hire an editor. Exactly. Because it's not what you so here's the thing is how often do we do stuff like this? That you're sitting there like pounding your head against the wall? Yeah, like, dude, I really don't like this. You're telling yourself that you're pulling yourself away from it yet you still continue to find yourself doing it, like forcing yourself that do it. And you're just wasting or spending a bunch of time energy and thought into doing it and not actually getting anything done. Yeah, you could delegate that to someone else who really loves it and enjoys it. You have a partnership now. Yeah, you get to go do what you truly actually love which is shooting film and doing these things.

Junaid Ahmed 38:00
Absolutely right and and, and that's what happened. So I took action. I started my podcast, you know, year and a half ago, because I kept thinking and thinking, and it's like, No, I've got to do it for myself and you know, reading the books from Gary Vee and other other folks, you know, crushing it, like, people, whoever wants to do something, you just go out and do it because nobody's stopping you but yourself. So I took the action. I started my podcast and I was like, Okay, this is fun. I can post the podcast on the go. And then I got it started getting into the editing part. And I was like, all right, this is fun. But I don't you spending too much time. And then I started doing the interviews. I'm like, all right, this is fun. I love talking and I love learning from my guests. And you know, what they're teaching and what their journey has been. So that's the passion I've had, you know, I'm discovering these about myself. Oh, yeah. As I go through this journey, and I was like, Alright, well, I can spend three hours talking to three people or three hours, talk to people. But I can't spend three hours editing the content. I mean, it's fun. So I ended up finding somebody who could do that for me. So I delegated just like you said, you know, you gotta delegate the stuff that somebody else would happily do it for you and do the stuff that you love for yourself. So and that's where you're spending versus investing. Now, I'm investing time in this conversation and this relationship, but I'm not spending the time in the areas that don't bring me joy.

Jesse Ewell 39:45
Yeah. And so what are what are your most entrepreneurs do every single day is they're spending all their time spending all their energy into doing shit that they don't really like to do, instead of just focusing and investing on that one. One thing that they're really good at. And so I get, I get people I work with, to understand, okay, hey, you're spending 95% 90% of your day doing a bunch of stuff that you don't really want to do and you're not passionate about a and so we turn that 10% of the time that they're super passionate about in into 90% of their time. And they start finding Hey, man, I'm I'm so much more passionate. I want to be a work every day. Yeah, my business is growing. All these things are happening because I started to delegate the stuff I really didn't like to do. Yeah, well, I could focus on what brings me the most joy and the most money

Junaid Ahmed 40:48
that's so powerful. I love it. And that's what it is right? You learn to action. You learn you take action, you make changes you you basic, basically needed Taking action every single day in the stuff that you love to do.

Jesse Ewell 41:06
Yeah, and I'm a I don't like people always talking about action, action action. I just like I'm like, just take one step. Yeah, every single said, Man, because one step every single day a year from now, you're going to be 36.5% different than you are a year ago.

Junaid Ahmed 41:25
That's right. That's right. Absolutely.

Jesse Ewell 41:28
And that and that's really all I focus on. So yeah, action for me is just like Dude, just do this one time. One day one time.

Junaid Ahmed 41:35
Yeah. Absolutely. Love it. Jesse, this was a lot of fun talking to you learning your journey, what people need to do to get to the next level, how to build habits and you've walked us through some of those things that we can do. And people can connect with you through the different platforms you're on habit based lifestyle. com is yours. One of the sites will list out all of the places that they can get to you from. I do have some questions towards the end of our podcasts that I asked my guests.

First one, let's do it, man.

Awesome. First one, what is one hobby that you wish you got into?

Jesse Ewell 42:18
Well, I would say surfing. And I started doing that about three months ago.

Junaid Ahmed 42:23
Nice. Yeah, so he doing it.

Jesse Ewell 42:27
It's a man. There's like nothing. It's like meditating. It's like spiritual. It's like hitting, hitting several things. So nice. That's one of my favorite hobbies I'm doing right now. Cooking is probably the other one.

Junaid Ahmed 42:43
Okay, so yeah, yeah, cooking. I need to get to cooking myself someday. What is your favorite movie or TV show?

Jesse Ewell 42:55
Let's see movie would have to be 300

Junaid Ahmed 43:00
My god, that was awesome. That was a really well done. Movie. All right, what movie would you choose if you got to play a character in it?

Jesse Ewell 43:11
Probably 300.

Yeah. All right. Maybe Braveheart. Maybe Braveheart. There you go.

Junaid Ahmed 43:20
riding horses. All right, who is your favorite superhero?

Jesse Ewell 43:25
Definitely Batman. Batman. Awesome.

Junaid Ahmed 43:29
Last one. If you were a board game, what would it be?

Jesse Ewell 43:35

Junaid Ahmed 43:36
monopoly. Fantastic. Jessie, that was awesome. Where can my audience find you? So they can connect with you and learn more about you and I'm definitely we change sharing all of your links in the in below, but where's the first place that they could get to?

Jesse Ewell 43:56
Yeah, so I have a website Jesse. Jesse. JSS e w e Ll calm you mentioned habit based lifestyle. com You can also find me on Instagram. Jessie J SS e dot e w e Ll you can find me on Facebook. You can email me if you have questions Jessie at habit based lifestyle com perfect for you could send the pigeon one of the two.

Junaid Ahmed 44:25
All right, thank you so much Jesse will talk to you soon. Have a great man. Thank you. Thank you, like thank you for listening to hacks and hobbies. You can find additional information on the guest today on their website, hacks and hobbies. com Please feel free to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss out on upcoming interviews with amazing guests.

Transcribed by

Junaid Ahmed has been a user experience designer for over 15 years. As a UX professional, he uses the user-centered design philosophy to come up with solutions. Trust the system, it works!

“People say that we only live once, but I believe in living every day!”

Junaid has been interviewing people from all walks of life on his podcast Hacks and Hobbies.