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  • E286 – Mario Castelli – How to bring your passion to the forefront with writing

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In this episode, we get to speak with Mario Castelli. He’s a driven passionate individual that views the world through Kaleidoscope vision.

We’re going to dig a little bit more on what that all means. He is a recent graduate with a degree in English and History. He has a ton of experience with children both in special needs child inclusion, mainstreaming with individual education programs, as well as applied behavior analysis and generalize classrooms.

He is a passionate writer and he’s been doing a ton of writing on Odyssey network.

Our Guest

Mario Castelli

Hacks to take Away

  • A passionate individual that views the world through Kaleidoscope vision.
  • How he does a ton of production writing on the Odyssey network.
  • What are his real-life experiences?
  • He challenged readers to see things have forced them to get out of their comfort zone.
  • We all have different shapes, designs, and colors.
  • How he understood people on a much deeper level on an emotional level.
  • How to be responsible for your actions.


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Junaid Ahmed 0:10
Thank you for tuning in to hacks and hobbies with your host Junaid. In Season Two of hacks and hobbies were visited by our amazing guests coming from all walks of life, what to learn their story, their struggles and their journey on how they got to where they are today. So stick around.

In this episode, we get to speak with Mario Castelli. He's a driven passionate individual that views the world through Kaleidoscope vision. We're going to dig a little bit more on what that all means. But he is a recent graduate from volition University where he has a degree in English and a minor in history. He has a ton of experience with children both in special needs child inclusion, mainstreaming with individual education programs, as well as applied behavior analysis and generalize classrooms. He is also a passionate writer. And he's been doing a ton of production writing on Odyssey network and there's some really good stuff that Maria has been writing. Now Maria was referred to me by our good friend, Steve Sullivan. It gentlemen, you have an episode of his on his podcast. So if you haven't listened to what it takes to be gentlemen, go check that episode out. But for now, we're gonna have a cool conversation with Mario. Mario, thank you so much for taking the time you cannot come out to the podcast and speak with us. And Congratulations on finishing college.

Mario Castelli 2:08
Well, Hello Junaid Hello, everyone. It's a pleasure, it's an honor. And Steve is a close personal friend of mine. So, yeah, he really helped open up a lot of doors. For me.

Junaid Ahmed 2:20
That's amazing. He is an awesome, awesome gentleman. And he's just got good things to say about all of us. I love what he's doing. So tell us your version. or tell us a version of your journey that no one's heard of before. And I'm sure you've talked to a lot of people and you've kind of have a go to introduction or you know, stuff like that, that you tell people. And you know, you have been writing for quite some time. So I'm sure you have an audience built up around that. So tell us everything. A journey that no one's heard before? Well,

Mario Castelli 3:05
I'm a creative. I'm that, that rarity. And that's, that's kind of the root cause of why and who I am. throughout every everything I was at over overly excited, hyperactive kid. So honestly, no one really knows why I create but it goes back to. But it goes back to all of that, where I wasn't understood. And I didn't really know why. Because again, I was I was a kid. So I just used to, you know, curl up and just write things out not just for school, but to try things out and all these different things in these different worlds because I was understood there. And then as I grew up, I realized, hey, listen, all these things. And I'm writing. These are like real life experiences pretty much. And as you you mentioned that kaleidoscopic view. It's what I mean by that everything's more colorful, everything's more is the print is outside of the box compared to what society wants you to think. So I kind of implement all that in different ways where I'm entertaining. And yet I'm also challenging my readers to see things have forced them to get out of their comfort zone. So throughout everything I'm all about is waking people up.

As they went I'm about waking people up. Nice.

And that's pretty much an

advocate very important issues but colorful twist.

Junaid Ahmed 4:42
So what what's one issue does to top of mind for you day after day.

Mario Castelli 4:51
That's That's brilliant.

That would be mental health.

Mental health issue is mental health. Because see mental health This is. And that's some pretty powerful stuff I know. And I've been asked so many times why mental health, like there's so many other genres other niches, well, the way that I see it, and mental health is, is underrated. And it's not even it's underrated. And people don't like to speak about it, let alone Think about it. Unless unfortunately, something thing big happens that you hear in the news. And that's when everyone starts talking about it again. But yet, they just put on another band aid. And that's not cool, because we're gonna be running around in the same filthy water, nothing's being filtered out. And we're not getting to the cause as to why we act about certain things. And then that's where I come in. I have a video and you've written mental health series, where I'm talking about these things, I'm writing about these different things. And like I said, I am colorful touch to it, where

I literally bring

a disorder, an illness, or even just some realm of with their mental health, to life. And through that.

People understand it that much more. And

not just as a writer, but as a suffer as well. Like I mentioned ADHD and stuff like that, like, I know how it is to be invisible. Because I've been invisible. Do Yeah.

So I I'm giving a voice to

the press to the silent and those that feel like they don't deserve to voice.

Junaid Ahmed 6:37
Hmm. No, that's, that's a very, very important topic mental health is, is huge. Because right? Everybody can notice when it's health related physical health, right? It's, it's, it's visible. And hence, people talking about physical health. Like if you're obese, if you're you know, I'm not gaining weight, you're not gaining muscle, you know, you have other disabilities, well, mental health should have the same level of attention paid to it. Recently, I watched a movie called wonder Park. And in it, it, you know, it touches on the mental health, portions of it of, of human emotions, because in the movie, and if you haven't seen it, they focused on the part of, let's say, somebody's sick, and they have to go away for a while. Well, now, it depends on how long they've gone away. But as a child, you feel that separation, and there's ton of activity activities that we do with our loved ones. And if they are not present, we're not able to do those activities anymore. And be tend to go in a dark place, which starts destroying our core, destroying, you know, some of the things that we that makes the creative stuff happen. And so it had a really nice view of around mental health and how it affects our behavior as well as it either enables us to be social versus be secluded and want to find isolation. Yeah, definitely you. You hit it.

Mario Castelli 8:41
Right on the head there.

Yeah, but just a minor, I would say, a personally mental health should be as important if not even more important, because the way that I see it, and there's a metaphor that I that I've actually developed about it as I was going through all this, all this thinking and writing and stuff. The mind, the way that I see is a CEO, the CEO is the boss is the leader of a company, right? So that is your mental health that is your willpower mind over matter. Now the employees will actually be the your physical health, your your diet, you're you're working out and all that stuff right? Now, explain to me what happens when you when you don't feel as motivated to exercise or to do something physically. Give up your mind, since all your mind says don't do it, don't worry about it. Now, this fits in brilliantly when you think of work when you think of a company because without someone being there. And I mean, like an apathetic, real friendly boss that wants to that cares about their, their, their workers, and you know, getting everything out ethically,

Junaid Ahmed 9:51
the company won't work, well.

Mario Castelli 9:54
A won't work well. Everything was like a conveyor belt. And when you think of the body, you guys say three motor pathways. So without the brain, your mental health saying, Hey, listen, this is what has it done. It doesn't carry forward, and therefore the company doesn't doesn't fulfill what they need to fulfill. And that makes sense to me. Yeah, it just helped me, you know, really put a lot of things together. But if I, if it doesn't make sense to you, or if I need to explain a little better, please let me let me know. But that's something that I've created. And it helped me it really helped me get in touch with how the world sees health in general, whether it be mental or physical, direct, indirect. So I mean, that's just my my little crazy tidbit over there. No, I think it's, it's very accurate in

Junaid Ahmed 10:50
in any respect you you need an engine, you need a decision matrix to say, hey, this was needs to be done. And if that decision matrix is corrupted, you can have all sorts of problems.

Mario Castelli 11:11
Okay, nice.

Junaid Ahmed 11:14
So, tell us a little bit about how you view the world through the kaleidoscope vision. Because if, if I've seen anything through a kaleidoscope, you're just multiplying the same image and of all different angles, right? And so how does that help you? You know, see the world?

Mario Castelli 11:43
Well, not every Clara scope is the same, we all know that. We all have different shapes, designs and colors. But again, the way that I have an essay, I wish I was born, just looking through a different lens, I just thought everything different. I understood people on a much deeper level on emotional level. So that kind of helped me get to how I see things. Yeah. And then the way that I raised, I was raised with immigrant backgrounds, not me personally, but like my family, my grandparents, parents and stuff. So I was raised where everything it's, I need to be responsible for my actions. I need to be mature. Yeah, but yeah, I was raised in a, in a country where all that is kind of a bit last. So I use all that. And then me dealing with, you know, my mental health issues, my learning disabilities, and then it really helped me be humble, it became humbled because I was able to take a step back and see how how much people are really suffering in their own lives, the mass that they were, and this is, and this is a little kid really lessons things. Like, I don't know, like 10 years old, 11 years old, even younger, like what, like, why is that person acting that way. And then I've reflected reflecting, and then I'll be drawing pictures or writing something. Wow. Like, this could possibly be why. And in the, that's where another branch of my writing, and then they went into just automatic perspective, where, okay, everything has evolved with logic and emotion. And, and everything has this different colors and shades. And yet, we're not really owning all of it, we're still kind of suppressing that. So, my view is just let everything come out, just just express it the way that you need to express it, whether it be complete nonsense to someone or or not. That is how you are that is Wait, you are and as a person, and that should be taken that should not be taken lightly. It should be treated with respect. So the core or a guest or word there is just or the two core words would be happiness and strength. Just be happy with who you are. And just follow through with it with all the strength that you can, because that is you're on the way to the strongest version that way, just own who you are. And me. I'm, I'm a rarity. I've been told by so many people like you're in like the way you are isn't that common? And I'm like, What do you mean, I was a little taken aback by that. What do you mean? Like, oh, you know, the way you saved when you talk to you? I don't see anything

odd about it. I see it

as a little odd how you think that is? So people tend to think in black and white and I just thinking different colors. Everything has shades different meaning everything's a spectrum.

Junaid Ahmed 15:08
That's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, you gotta have the ability to see past the black and white. Right. And I think one of the reasons why people might have a black and white vision versus a colorful, one might be their experiences growing up. Like how, right, so how much of it is dependent on what school you went to? Or what kind of friends you had? Or, or lack of friends at all? And that's really interesting. You know, either you're an observer or you're the the actor. Yeah. Oh, yes, that's correct. Because I think I find myself that I've been an observer for a very long time. And I mean, I have I have very different experiences as well. Right. So. And I like the I like to think that are like the idea of figuring things out and see the inner workings like the clockwork, like, oh, it turned this gear and everything else turns, and how those inner workings work. So that's, that's one of my favorite things to look at. And that's why I find these journeys, for my guests on hacks and Ivy's so important, because it helps me understand other people. It also helps me understand myself.

Mario Castelli 16:50
That's great. And, unfortunately, I'm glad that that you're doing that. A lot of people they don't, either they're too scared, or it's taboo or ever may be but they're not allowing them stuff to move forward. Yeah, they're still sleeping. In other words, they're still following along with everything they're sleeping, and not waking themself up.

Junaid Ahmed 17:14
Yeah. You ever seen the movie? Garden State? I haven't heard it, but I haven't. Okay. Well, it's a little older movie, I guess. I don't know what old is. But in the movie, it talks about the same, right? If I can just pull up the movie. Um, so in it, the protagonist, he lost, he loses his his mom. And he ended might it might have been at some time ago when that happened. But he's been living on drugs, or he, he's basically, you know, is numb to everything. And for the longest time, like he didn't realize what was going on. And at some point, he opens up. And it was it was an interesting movie all around mental health. And my good friend, Mike Graham, he's got up, he's got a podcast called pop psych one, the one where they talk about mental health. And they talk about how it is represented in popular culture, made the movies, TV shows, comics, cartoons, because there's, it's, it's always there. It's pretty interesting. But this movie, also, you know, touches those points about being asleep. Right. So when you mentioned, you know, a lot of people, they're asleep, because they don't want to feel the feelings. Don't have the feelings. Yeah, they just want to go through and, you know, go through life and be be a robot. Because, to tell you the truth, it's, it's easier when you have the feelings. But a lot of the times, it's the wrong kind of thing that you get into. So I also spoke with my good friend, IEN Tolson, and he mentioned that he was diagnosed. And with ADHD, I believe, and he was medicated, and which totally screwed up his teenage years. And it took him a long time to come come around, and have that, that drug out of his system completely, because it takes time. So do you have any experience or our knowledge into those kind of things? No, Yes, I do.

Mario Castelli 20:16
I do, actually. Well, first of all, that that podcast that you mentioned, like I love being recommended to me. It's brilliant. I listened to all the time. So thank you for that. But yes, I just don't have ADHD, OCD. You know, if you have OCD, you're gonna have ADHD pretty much but I was medicated was medicated for OCD. And again, like you said, with your

friend, my,

my younger years, I believe it was middle school and early high school.

It was it was terrible.

Yeah. Because, you know, again, the right dosage, the right type of medication, just normal hormones and all that other stuff. A, it was nuts. Yeah, it really was, it was nuts in seeing all these different psychiatrist. I didn't vibe with this one, or this one was just like, it's a it's a whole process. It's a process and other process. And then you actually have to live your life. It's crazy. So

the way that I say

within my video series, listen, if you need to get medicated, get Medicaid. But that shouldn't be the first thing that try. Definitely go definitely talk to someone definitely talk to someone, it gets to talk to psychiatrists, Doctor psychiatrists, and it medications on the table. Think about it. But it's not do all and Beall, it's Yeah,

you know, it's just an option. But medication for me, it did help in the long run. But it was just getting there. The process was crazy for me. But I remember, I don't know when like it almost it almost feels like I woke up one day, and I just didn't need it anymore. I was completely fine. I i've been off medication for say more than six years now. like five, six years, and I don't need it. Yeah. It's not an end again. For me, he's going to be different compared to someone else compared to your friend. It's really about the individual. Again, it's all about how bad you want it. How bad you really want to change because again, the medication is just a tool that talking is just a tool. You have to put things into practice.

Junaid Ahmed 22:40
Is that right? Yeah, exactly. So yeah. Very cool. Yeah. I mean, I just looked up some OCD medication. There's so many different versions of it. Yeah. Oh, my God. And that's what you were mentioning, you know, you're going through the process of trying each one hour This is this working? Is this working? And that's what the doctors are doing. Like they don't know what's going to work for who. So they'll go to two series of testing like, Oh, this is not working. Let's try two different one. Kind of like Tom's already sent out these 10,000 methods didn't make this MIT the light bulb. But this you don't have good data, many, you know, medication. But again, you're right, you know, you've got it. First get that talking out, you gotta be able to talk about what bothering you?

Mario Castelli 23:39
And ultimately, that's the first step. Yeah, that's really, ultimately first step. And,

and I think we're,

we both meant by robotic and emotionless, I don't mean intense in a derogatory, like, No, no, there's no

Junaid Ahmed 23:53

Mario Castelli 23:54
Because I, I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, because I have my own demons. God, it's just as a culture, we're very timid, you we want to be brave about certain things. And, and we're engaging in certain things, but we're doing so in the wrong manner. Like, we want to feel things, but yet we we feel in ways that are even more destructive, like, such as, like, sexuality, like, you want to feel emotion, you want to feel love, you want to feel passion, we get your, you know, there's pornography, there's all these different things. And again, those are just other tribes, you want to, you want to be happy. And then what and then some people, they go into drinking a little too much or taking drugs. So it's, it's really, we really need to be careful. And again, I'm not perfect. I'm not saying I know everything. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, just we need to be careful wake, like wake ourselves up a little bit. And, and just realize what is hurting us on what's not hurting us, we need to bit more proactive in terms of how we make ourselves truly live instead of just surviving, ultimately.

Junaid Ahmed 25:15
Absolutely. And and the other issue that a lot of people faces in a commercialization and what's available on TV and what they're teaching you, that also affects people, right, you're you're bombarded with so much. So much advertisement, and it doesn't affect to adults as much as it affects children. Right, because they are sponges, they are absorbing everything they see when I have a one year old daughter, and she is mimicking everything that she's saying that her older brothers are doing. And, you know, I told I told my son's you know, you gotta watch what you're doing in front of her, you know, she's gonna learn it. And then the like, Oh, I don't want that. What I don't want her to learn, like well as her default mode, right? And now, you know, that is that is the one way she's going to learn everything and grow up and learn how to talk and everything. It's not like you turn off that feature. We're not robots, like stop learning today.

Mario Castelli 26:22
Believe me, if we could do that, and I think many, many, many years from now, it's going to be something like that. But unfortunately, that is just classic conditioning. Psychology you it's monkey see monkey do. Yeah. And excuse. I just said with the advertisements were so numb to violence to those very intimate type of advertising. zones, and everything we're in is even more so with Generation Z, the generation, that's the current generation of millennials. We, it's Yeah, it's, it's, it's crazy. Crazy. And I have a younger sister, she's 15 now, but when she was a kid, I remember some things that I know I again, I was a hyperactive kid. So there's certain things that I remember doing. And then she started doing because she would she used to see it all the time.

Nothing bad. But I was like, Oh, my gosh, and then I try, you know, try trying to reverse it. Like, no,

it doesn't work that way. And I didn't know, then it then sounds like, you know, so.

Junaid Ahmed 27:29
You know,

Mario Castelli 27:31
whatever it is, but yeah, most definitely, most definitely. It's, it's,

Junaid Ahmed 27:36
you know, the one thing that you mentioned that, you know, maybe in the future will have the ability to stop learning. But the funny thing is, we don't need that ability to be enabled in our brain. It's, it's a human choice to stop learning, or start learning. And you'll see a lot of people that are out there doing the same thing over and over and over, it's because they've stopped learning, they found that comfort zone, did want to get out of it. And it's just, it's just crazy to see, like, wow, that's it. You know, that's, that's a choice that people have made to live that way. And now, welcome change, because that's something that's constantly happening. And two people will, you know, they won't change their habits for 10 years at a time. It's because that's what that's what they've learned to do. And you know, that's, that's where they live in, its in what's really crazy is that we, we default, fall into that mode. And then we look around us and you see my kit, you know, your kids are growing up, like Wow, my God, I remember them just being born and now they're 10 years old. Or do you know now they're 20 years old, or kids around us? And it's, it's really interesting saying how, like, our mind, speeds up time or slows time down. And then we're joined it is. I was maybe even both? Yeah.

Mario Castelli 29:11
It's different in different situations for different people for different reasons. But I'm going back to my example with the medication. Like I said, it feels as if one day I just woke up, I blinked and I, I was better. I better in a sense, where I've made so much progression towards words, you know, beating the compulsions, the anxiety, the, you know, the, the obsessions for OCD, being extremely hyper ADHD. I was like, wow, like, how did that happen? And I remember talking about all those crappy times where I couldn't even go to sleep because of the insomnia and this, so I, it's, it's nuts. And then look at that my sister like, Wow, she's 15. Now. Wow, I graduated college. Wow. I just I, you know, writing my first piece of my mental health series, now I'm at like, seven, eight. It's like, wow, this is nuts. It's everything. All my progression from the past few months. It's it's, it's crazy.

Junaid Ahmed 30:17
Yeah, it really is.

Mario Castelli 30:18
I would say it's, it's both it could be both for different reasons.

Junaid Ahmed 30:24
Yeah. That's crazy. That's pretty insane, right? Life is pretty, pretty amazing mean. Through through a no miracle of our own, were given this opportunity to make a change in this world. Right. And it's amazing how how we go about doing that, versus living it the way we want to, and the one thing that we all can do, as so I started a good friend of mine, Greg roulette. And he said, you know, we are so used to the scrolling, we're the scrolling society right now. All we're doing is scrolling, LinkedIn, scrolling, Facebook, scrolling, Instagram, you know, scrolling, Facebook, everything, we're just scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. And we're basically consuming content, and what you and I are doing, or creating content, or, you know, engaging with people. And one of the one of the quickest way to engage is to just have a comment, just do a comment, you know, just try to comment on whatever you're consuming, because now you're engaging with the content. Now you're using your mind in a different way and becoming a creator rather than a consumer. Yep. awesome to have a balance of Yes, it's important. Alright, so let's get into some of the questions that are related to some hobbies and, and life hacks and whatnot. What is one hobby that you wish you got into but never got the chance to?

Mario Castelli 32:19
I would say it will be drawing

will blow drying more, I eventually just stopped. Because, like I've mentioned with high school and element, I'm sorry, middle school. During those times where I was taking medication, those were also the hardest times from from my schooling as well, in terms of social aspects and social expectations. Yeah, and everything. So I'll be listening to music, I'll be drawing and I'll just be venting in the night eventually transition that bit more with the writing, because I found that meeting helped me express myself in a in a way that really made sense to me and to its fullest. extent. Yeah, so uh, but yeah, I definitely Wish I could, or I would I wish I stood with the art a little bit

Junaid Ahmed 33:12
more. But in one way or another, you're still doing creating art with writing. Yep. It's

Mario Castelli 33:22
it's more of the minds picture. Right? You're you're hearing it instead of actually seeing it Express. So yes, it's a different form of it.

Junaid Ahmed 33:31
Yeah, definitely. There. There was a website, I can't remember. But you could essentially write your scene and it creates a picture for you. It's really, really powerful. I will, it will come up my head. Awesome. Now it is. I couldn't like I couldn't really create anything because it was pretty.

Mario Castelli 34:10
Just gonna

Junaid Ahmed 34:12
listen to it. Now curious, so no, absolutely. And we'll go to the next question. And then I'll look it up. Okay, not abroad is what is your favorite movie? Or TV show? That is kind of a lengthy

Mario Castelli 34:39
answer. Because really depends. When I when I do watch the it's like football, soccer and stuff like that. And superhero shows superhero movies. But my all time favorite movie is the for Italian film. Life is beautiful about World War Two. at its disposal that was taken away him and his son, Jesus. They're Jewish. At the time, we all know, but a history and just the way that he made the whole experience for his son, where his son was, I don't know how old he was. He had to be like, maybe like eight, perhaps. And yeah, he was he was young. And he thought the whole thing was a game for his birthday. And his father just really took care of his mental face. Even though he was scared and he they survived the capture, and everything will work to finished. And just the whole message of it. Just a father, parents love how strong your will is your your mental capacity can be and just our will for survival. It's beautiful. I can see. I can say so many things about it just it's one of my favorite movies ever.

Junaid Ahmed 35:58
Nice. So that. So that's pretty cool movie. We'll have to check it out. Hopefully, the website that I mentioned that will help you create a picture with your words. It's called the word I words I calm. And you can type in any text and hit display. And it will create what it thinks your words mean. Because pretty interesting.

Mario Castelli 36:31
So check it out. Words, calm.

Junaid Ahmed 36:36
Awesome. Awesome. Alright. So you will tell you told us your favorite movie? What if you got to play a character in a movie? Which movie and character would you think?

Mario Castelli 36:57
Wow. Which character? Well,

I would say

I would say

superhero film.

And I would pick Wonder Woman

just to be part of that because it goes back to be pathology. And I'm like, it's one of my core memories of, you know, actually learning something that really spawned into greater research and greater interest in writing this stuff. So I would say that plus she's always been one of my favorite superheroes. And yeah.

Junaid Ahmed 37:47
Who would you be? He would be would you? Would you be Wonder Woman or criticize?

Mario Castelli 37:54
Wonder Woman? Well, I can't be Wonder Woman. Yeah, that's actually not

you know what i can be Wonder Woman but it's a whole I guess that gender binary that people have a problem with the her sidekick? I guess the movie was fantastic. I'll be her son.

Junaid Ahmed 38:11
The movie good. The new one is really good. Awesome. It was really good. So the next question basically delves into it. Who's your favorite superhero? And you've already answered.

Mario Castelli 38:22
I have a few favorite superheroes. Wonder Woman. It's just one of them. The Flash is one of my other favorites. Green Lantern. Superman. Those are like my definite favorite ones. I'm more of a DC fan animal.

Junaid Ahmed 38:35
Yeah, I do. I sense that. So being a DC fan. Have you seen the animated series? of Green Lantern? Yeah, there's two series. There's two seasons. And then they cancel out for that. The CGI version? Yes. The CGI?

Mario Castelli 38:59
Yeah. That's was when I was in, I think in high school when it came out and finish. I liked. I look forward to every Saturday.

Junaid Ahmed 39:06
Yeah, it was really good. I just cut my son. It says I had my son hooked up to it. So he's liking it much too.

Mario Castelli 39:15
That's good. Make sure that you get him into the animated series is injustice. Young Justice. I think he's,

Junaid Ahmed 39:21
I think he's seen some of the Young Justice. But I'm gonna wait for him to get a little older.

Mario Castelli 39:27
A little bit older. Most definitely. But that was a really great series. That was a good series. Yeah.

Junaid Ahmed 39:34
I'm hurting out right now. I know, dude, I love movies and comic superheroes and whatnot. It's three talk. Maybe we can talk and talk about it all day long gum. I'm a huge MCU fan. I'm a fan of both both parties. And you know, when I first came to the United States, I didn't know much about Superman, and Batman and whatnot. And at that time, we had the Batman series with Michael Keaton. And Val Kilmer, George Clooney. And you know, Schwarzenegger playing Mr. Freeze. So you know, those are the Batman series movies that I grew up, grew up on. I was way past growing up. It was past my team, like I was in my 20s. And that's what I was introduced to that.

Mario Castelli 40:25
So right.

Yeah. Your life where? Or when it needed to enter your life. Exactly. And

they were really, they were brilliant. They really were.

Junaid Ahmed 40:37
Yeah. Sweet. Alright, last question. If you were a board game, what would it be? Your board game? Yeah.

Mario Castelli 40:53
This, this may take

some of your viewers fancy there. Because it ain't. That's boring, I guess. But I was saying monopoly.

Junaid Ahmed 41:03
monopoly. But why?

Mario Castelli 41:05
Why not? Because of the core pieces of the I'm always the car keys for no fly always. A dog?

I would say because when I was a kid, or when we are kids, we play Monopoly. We don't see it as that's pretty much real. Now go now that I'm you know, I'm in my 20s. And I'm going to, you know, all this professional settings and business and stuff. monopoly is a real life lesson. If you think about it, you seem to have money on hand, the most expensive asset isn't always the best choice at the moment and passive income, it's important as well. Why should you only make money with both hands ago, you should make money legally, of course, you know, through your time and through hard work and everything. So monopoly is for me it's a metaphor and is everything to my youth where I want to cheat. I always wanted to cheat I wanted to have those sneaking like a few hundred dollar bills in my in my, in my sleeve? No, now if you do that.

Junaid Ahmed 42:14
So you get your hands cut.

Mario Castelli 42:16
I'm, I know, I'm getting caught. I know. But just to finish up, I guess. It's for me, it's just its innocence. What we want, like be and what it isn't in the real talk. You get that smacked in the face once you hit a certain age and yeah, so it's, it's pretty much it's just learning and how you could hopefully, more things a little bit.

Junaid Ahmed 42:46
And that's what I want to do. Yep. Nice. Nice. monopoly. Get another monopoly guy here. Alright, so my where can my audience find you?

Mario Castelli 43:00
They are.

Oh, they are. I'm sorry. I am pretty much everywhere. I'm on LinkedIn, as mariachis, Delhi, Instagram, MC, MC rights, Facebook, Twitter. I also have a freebie for for your viewers might as well. It's done my top three. Yep. It's my gift to you guys, my top three writing tips that I always use. And there may or may not be a bonus in there, just you know, content and stuff.

Junaid Ahmed 43:33
So cool. It will I'll be sure to include your links to on the show notes as well as the special link that the audience can go in. Get some free writing tips from Mario. Awesome, dude, thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Watch. Absolutely. Take care. Congratulations, you made it to the end of the episode. Thanks so much for listening to our guests on this episode. Please send me an email at Junaid at hats and hobbies. com to tell me what you loved about our guests today. You could find links mentioned in this episode of the hacks and hobbies. com website.

Transcribed by

Junaid Ahmed has been a user experience designer for over 15 years. As a UX professional, he uses the user-centered design philosophy to come up with solutions. Trust the system, it works!

“People say that we only live once, but I believe in living every day!”

Junaid has been interviewing people from all walks of life on his podcast Hacks and Hobbies.