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In this episode, I get to speak with Ramesh Dontha. He is an entrepreneur, a writer and a blogger. He actually reached out to me through Mark Shaw’s Spot A Guest service. We had our intro call and it was a great match. We’ve talked about the different things that bring us joy. In the green room, I got to learn a little bit more about him and what he’s been doing with his career. To dig a little deeper I’m excited to welcome him to the podcast so he can share his story and vision on how to get started.

He’s the author for the book “The 60 Minute Startup: A Proven System to Start Your Business in 1 Hour a Day and Get Your First Paying Customers in 30 Days (or less)”. In this book he gives us a step by step solution to how a startup really needs to move forward.

Ramesh can be reached through his website:


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Our Guest

Ramesh Dontha

Hacks to take Away

  • How can we fast forward this process of starting a business.
  • That research led him to talk to a lot of people and then bottomed out in two things that the biggest hurdle to business to an entrepreneur is actually starting the business.
  • keep going forward, but many people get lost in that the trench that first chasm that’s out there. That’s the problem.
  • The key concept of agile methodology is that the requirements given to a product developer.
  • You develop something, a working model or proof of concept and show it to the business owner and then to make changes.
  • You’re going to tweak the model. So don’t strive for perfection.
  • Why either entrepreneur doesn’t start business people. Here’s a statistic. Supposedly 70% of the US adults want to have their own business.

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Junaid Ahmed 0:10
Thank you for tuning in to hacks and hobbies with your host Junaid. In Season Two of hacks and hobbies were visited by our amazing guests coming from all walks of life, want to learn their story, their struggles and their journey on how they got to where they are today. So stick around.

In this episode, I get to speak with rematched Hunter. He is an entrepreneur, a writer and a blogger and I met him through the amazing service called spot a guest calm and we've talked about the different things that We're joined. And in the green room, I got to learn a little bit about him and what he's been doing with his career. And I was like, you know, let's dig a little deeper. And thank you so much romesh for coming on to the podcast.

Ramesh Dontha 1:16
I'm excited to join your podcast. alginate thank you for inviting me.

Junaid Ahmed 1:21
You're welcome, my friend. So what some amazing about blood I get to do with the podcast is get to learn about different stories and journeys of other entrepreneurs that are that have taken their that have taken the time to build something that that they're passionate about. And I've been passionate about a lot of different things and I was just been struggling and going through the motions and figuring it out. Okay, what's the first thing you did to do? What's the second thing that you do? And you don't realize till much later that you actually need A team to get to a point where you are. You have an autonomy, autonomy and whatnot. So it's just it's just been an amazing adventure so far. So yeah, yeah. So tell me a little bit about yourself in a journey that no one's heard of before.

Ramesh Dontha 2:20
Right. So just a little bit of introduction about myself. So, currently, I'm a manager, a few companies. One of them is a data strategy consulting company. Apart from that few things I've done this year, in 2009 teen has been a blast. I started my own podcast early this year in May. It's called the Agile entrepreneur. agile and Yep, and then the second one is, I started writing a book and the book is called the 60 minute startup, which which will come out in October 2019. So a lot of things have been happening at And the reason I got fascinated by this concept of entrepreneurship and agile entrepreneurship, and then the 60 minute startup is because I'm a serial entrepreneur. I've been doing multiple businesses for some time. But each the very first time I started, it's been a struggle, trying to figure out which markets to go after, who are the customers? And then what are the niche that I should target all that stuff. took me quite a while to do the market research and all that stuff. And then a lot of is based on the advice that I've been getting from different sources. Yeah, right. But that struggle, led me multiple months. And then I said, if I'm struggling for this much time, there may be other entrepreneurs who are struggling as well. How can we expedite How can we fast forward this process of starting a business? So that research led me to talk to a lot of people and then I bottomed out in two things that the biggest hurdle to business to entrepreneur is actually starting the business. Number one, yes. Number two, number two is actually getting the first paying customer. Right? Once you get those two, then you you will learn a lot and then you will tweak and you pivot and you, you can iterate your business model, keep going forward, but many people get lost in that the trench that first, you know, chasm that's out there. That's the problem.

Junaid Ahmed 4:30
You're hundred percent, right? That is on the dot. And a lot of the entrepreneurs that I've been talking to, you know, have in one way or another, expressed similar, you know, experiences. And I myself find myself you know, in that same situation, like, Okay, I've got this idea. I want to get this started. Okay, I've got this Started halfway, I've got the website, the logo, everything is set up. What's the next step? And yeah, getting that paying customer is literally the next step. I mean, if you're not getting paid to run a business, then you're just doing it wrong. It's or it's just a hobby.

Ramesh Dontha 5:18
That is true. That is very true. Jeanette

Junaid Ahmed 5:21
and being This podcast is around hacks and hobbies, abyss, I've just been running hobbies, and I'm trying to convert these into businesses. So yeah, your guest to tell us how to get there. Yeah, definitely. So let me know when you want me to get into the details. So so the first thing is we already talked about a little bit about your journey, how you had the dream of being an entrepreneur and you being a serial entrepreneur and starting a beast these businesses and figuring out to the bottom point, you know, how to get started and how to get that first payment. customer. And when you're doing that you're essentially making up your mind that because a lot of times when you ask a business like Hey, who's your target audience? And when they say, everybody, well, they certainly have not done the research. That's right. Yep. So, so tell me, how would somebody get started and? And yeah, let's get into that. Yeah,

Ramesh Dontha 6:29
let's get into that. So, so then I come from a technology background I've been so prior to this entrepreneurship. So I was in technology, working for a large tech company. And then during that time, I was exposed to this concept called the Agile methodology used pretty heavily in the software development. And this whole agile methodology came into being around 2001 or so. And then since then, it kind of revolutionized the software in History, what the key concept of agile methodology is that the requirements given to a product developer, a software developer

will change.

Right? So instead of taking the requirements in the past, they used to take the requirements. And then they'll go to the, you know, the black room and then develop the software come back after three, four months. And the business owner says, No, this is not what I said, because the business has changed. And then so that it's a waste of time, instead of that, the requirements are going to change so you iterate on a fast track, which is every two weeks or so it's called a sprint, right? You develop something, a working model or proof of concept and show it to the business owner and then say, Okay, yeah, tweak here to make changes here. And then so on. Every once a week or two weeks basis, you're incrementally making this offer and that really revolutionize right so and then that's how does Airbnb ease or All the Ubers of the world I know they're able to develop the software much faster, that caters to the actual customer requirements. Absolutely. Right. So then I said, if I can take those concepts, which is a very collaborative approach with the customer, iterative approach, right? So why can they apply the concepts into entrepreneurship? Then I started talking to entrepreneurs, people who have been successful, I said, Hey, where did you start? And where are you right now. And every one of them without exception, they said, where I am right now is not where I started night. They change the pricing, they change the business model, they change the target customers, whatever it is, but the other business kept evolving.

Junaid Ahmed 8:45

Ramesh Dontha 8:46
people who can adjust to that evolution will survive, but if they're not able to adjust, but the key here is how can you adjust it as quickly as possible realize it. So that's what the Agile entrepreneurship is all about. Right. So Excellent. So in this, the key concepts are you iterate, but you have to accept the fact that you're going to iterate, you're going to pivot, you're going to tweak the model. So don't strive for perfection.

Junaid Ahmed 9:12
Yeah. Okay.

Ramesh Dontha 9:14
So in the 60 minutes startup, the complete text of the book is, it's a proven system to start your business in one hour a day, and get your first paying customers in 30 days or less. Right? It's one hour a day, and 30 days. So the model is that there are two things that you're going to do in 30 days. Right? The first 15 days is all about launching the business. Yeah, right. Every day, you're going to sit for 60 minutes, and then figure out okay, today, let's say I'm going to go into do in a figure out who my target customers are. Right? And then not the 60 minutes like don't do overanalyze, don't get into that analysis, paralysis, right. And then the next day you will say, Okay, what are the things that are bringing to the party I call it like, which is what I meant not what is my knowledge? What's my skill? What are my skills? And what's my experience? What are the assets, I have like a network that I have built over a period of time, you know, the money that I'm able to save and put aside so that that's what you put the inventory of them and, and that's one day, the other day, you look at some competition, so but no more than 60 minutes, just, you know, figure that out. And one day, you will actually build the website in 60 minutes or so because you can do it. You don't have to go for a perfect website. Absolutely. outsource it, you can outsource it. But just do enough research. Just do enough work in the 15 days to launch your business. So every day you're only doing one thing. And then you take a assessment at the end of the day and said if I have to push it over to next day, yeah, push it over. Right. If I'm done early, then take the next task. But in the first 15 days, the goal is to launch the business. Like put it out there And then some businesses may not even need a website. Right? So that's right. I will even talk about examples later, right. And the next 15 days is all about 15 different sales strategies. So you can get the first paying customers, right? Every day. So in the book I give every day one strategy that is used by successful entrepreneurs. Yes, all this 30 days, I'm featuring one entrepreneur, who's had success, and then their story, and then some of the tips and tactics, tactics and the mistakes that they made, what we can learn from them. So they translate into these actions on a daily basis. Right so it's this book is it is a actionable you know, I call it a workbook, not just a reading book, yeah. And then makes you accountable in the sense that you no longer have excuses, right? Every day you do something. So my thing is within your entire span of one year, just give you a Self 30 days,

just give yourself 30 days,

and then even on those 30 days, just give yourself 60 minutes a day,

Junaid Ahmed 12:08
60 minutes. If you can

Ramesh Dontha 12:10
take 60 minutes a day, and then 30 days, then probably should not be dreaming about starting a business.

Junaid Ahmed 12:19
Very, very true. True words have never been spoken before.

Ramesh Dontha 12:23
So that's the concept of the buck. Yeah, yeah. So just make it actionable accountable. And then actually get it out there. Launch the business. Because I guarantee within 30 days, even if let's say for whatever reason, you're not successful in launching the getting your first paying customers, you will learn so much about yourself. You know what? The market the customers that you would not believe it?

Junaid Ahmed 12:52
You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right that you be without without the test without testing of anything you you will not, you're not getting any feedback. Exactly. And that's why analytics is so so important. Because as soon as they get that feedback, you start working. It's like when you're driving a car, and if you press the accelerator and the car's not moving, you already got feedback. You know what to do next? Like, oh, maybe my car stuck, or I need to turn on the car. So, study, getting a business off the ground is similar, you get it rolling. If something's not working, you can go and fix it.

Ramesh Dontha 13:34
Yep. Exactly. An engineer. The other thing that I can say, yes, there are in the if you go back and look at the research of why either entrepreneurs don't start a business people. Here's a statistic. Supposedly 70% of the US adults want to have their own business. But in reality, less than 15% actually do something about it. huge gap 70% to 15%. So if you go back and look at why that is the case, right? There are three things that, you know that come up. One is that they don't have time. Hmm. Right. Number two is that it's stressful, you know, the whole thing is about? Yeah. The third thing is, you know, it's too expensive or too much money and all that stuff. Right. So those are the two main three main things. So my point is, if you give yourself 30 days, right, you're condensing all those into just 30 days and 60 minutes a day, right? Instead of paying for the seminars and workshops for six months and nine months, you know, just you're, you're spending all your money in one month. Yeah. And then the stress related activities or whatever that is just one month, you know, you go through this process, right. And the time is literally, you know, we said 30 days. So you're addressing all those three pain points, that aspiring entrepreneurs I think that the problems are into one month, and that way you force yourself to, you know,

get into the business.

Junaid Ahmed 15:11
That's that's absolutely powerful. Man. That's That's right. And what that does, it's almost like you debt you doing a 30 day challenge? Yeah, right. You're doing a 30 day challenge, you're committing yourself to one hour a day, 60 minutes a day, and you do the task to build out your business, no matter what it is, you're putting in that time and consistent. And that's how workouts work, right? You if you're not working out you you're not gonna see any results. So that's a powerful, powerful analogy. And then, so tying in the Agile methodology into this, having a sprint plan out, good, this is my 30 days to finish this project. And these are my tasks that I need to do every day. And these are the reasons Right.

Ramesh Dontha 16:01
That is right. And then the thing that because I'm very passionate about this tonight, right, so what I want to do is we don't have to recreate everything new. Right now. We could, we could so the book has templates, actual templates that you could use plug in, you know, so you get started, right? And then some of these entrepreneurs are No really, you know, good enough to provide us. Hey, this is the email template that I use. Yeah. Or pitch to the magazines. Right. Right. This is the email template that I use to trade my services. So to get my first rapper, testimonial, kind of other, right. So I mean, that's a starting point. I don't have to sit there and think about Oh, man, how am I going to do it? Okay, this I might tweak it. I might customize it. Yeah, but that is

Junaid Ahmed 16:50
the starting point. Exactly. And that's so so helpful had having those templates. Yeah, that's like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint. They have these templates for you to get started letter template resume template. So having a business template, like here's a template, this is what you need to do this is the first thing you need to do is beautiful, it's powerful. And I took I remember taking this live course with Nicole Holland and she's a, one of the top podcasters and she's like, I use acuity calendar system for the different emailing ability that they have. They send out five emails, here are my templates, so she gives those templates to us. I'm like, wow, this is perfect. I had not been using those templates at all in the beginning. And as soon as I started using these templates, I was getting more engagement from my customers more engagement from my guests, because now they know exactly what to expect when they come on to the podcast. The one thing that I haven't implemented yet is the follow up email. The follow up email is super, super important. And I just didn't think that I have the type of information yet to get it. Get that in there. But I'm working on it. I'm working on it. Excellent. Really awesome to see that you have templates in this book. I mean, this book is going to be super powerful for a lot of the people that I know because a lot of people that I know are like, Oh, I want to start my coaching business. But I don't know what the different steps are. Yeah, what other people are doing. Yeah. And Copy that. Yeah, I love it. That's awesome. You know, while you were talking, I was just recently my friend and two of my friends and I we started phone company. I'm like on we're constantly getting you know, questions from customers and potential customers. They want to shoot a commercial they want to shoot a short film. They want to shoot a little Kickstarter video and draw was asking was what's the price going to be? What's the price going to be what is going to be? So we're, like, we have kind of a template. Okay, this is basic stuff that you want to do. But I was like, we want to be able to track these projects also. So I started using Trello. And as you were talking about, you know, you got 30 days, and the 30 different challenges that you're going through. I was like, What if there was a Trello board that you can start and follow these The day after day, and all the tasks that you need to do are listed for you? Because that's another big problem a lot of people have and myself included. Yeah, like I don't know how to make lists. Like I'll make a list and then I'm like, I would get distracted and I go start doing something else. Right. I think that would be another value added if if if

Ramesh Dontha 19:53
that is excellent idea. Junaid. I mean, actually, I've been thinking about it but Trello like a tool is

Junaid Ahmed 19:59
It's fantastic. Yeah. Yeah. And, and if you, even if you're white labeled something, right, that ties into the book. So you have the book, and then somebody who buys the book they can have, they have access to 30 days of this application, where they can then track all their progress. And as they're going and doing this thing, they get an email response or they get a reminder, something so to give them engage with the book with you, and how they become your audience as well. Because not only are they learning from the book, but they also have a digital resource to support

Ramesh Dontha 20:39
actually Jeanette in an agile way. We are actually, you know, really made something happen here. Nice. application that goes along with the book. Yeah, using a trailer. So it's it. I think I'm going to steal your idea if you don't

Junaid Ahmed 20:55
go for it, man. Go for it. That's, that's, you know, that's what's awesome. about collaborating and talking with people with similar mindsets is you know, you come up with these ideas. And one of the things that I totally loved working with my buddies back in Santa Ana, we, I was my cousin, friend live and they basically started this centric media. And we would get customers coming in and asking for advice. And the three and four of us we were, we would always be talking about ideas of how something could be built. And we were talking about ideas of apps, ideas and whatnot. And it was just, it was just so much fun. What's really exciting after the fact is that getting those ideas and execute them. Yeah, exactly. That's, that's the toughest part.

Ramesh Dontha 21:49
Yeah, the ideas are cheap, you know?

Right. So actually acting on it is though, that's why I'm saying it right. So this whole thinking about starting a business This is a real life example, which will implement a friend of mine.

So he's a

he trains nurses on CPR kind of stuff, right? some critical things happen how to train. And he has a it's got a very neat method of training them so that they can remember when actually it happens because these things don't happen on a daily basis. So suddenly, when it happens and nurses or some of these technicians, you know, might forget, hey, what what should I do if this is the case? What should I do if that's the case kind of stuff? So here, the memory aid on the actually trade market, and but he never acted on the business idea. He's been thinking about it, and then it's putting on the shelf for the last two years. Yeah, yeah, actually trademarked it. And he knows what the method is and all that stuff. And he got really rave reviews and testimonials. When he trained them. They said it helps them remember and all that stuff. Yeah. I went in approached him and I said, I actually I didn't approached him about the business. I told him about the book. And suddenly he remember this one. So we are actually, I'm explaining for the first time in public on outside, is that we're actually going to implement this business. Right? We're going to start this business. Yeah. And then do it in 30 days. For a business that's been sitting business idea,

Junaid Ahmed 23:21
right? That's been ideas been sitting on the shelf

Ramesh Dontha 23:23
for quite some time, and no action has been taken. So together, we're going to do a live in our video blog and no blog, kind of reality show,

Junaid Ahmed 23:33
and so much fun.

Ramesh Dontha 23:34
Yeah. And we have a show of it in 30 days, every day will be updating the audience public, actually, yeah, what we are doing and that kind of stuff. And so we are going to plan that in the next two weeks. And just putting the preparation step

Junaid Ahmed 23:48
to love to follow that journey. That's the sounds really exciting. You know, one of the ideas that I've had for the longest time was back when I was working addition And again, you know, I, I somehow find people that have similar mindsets, and we talk ideas. Yeah. And one of the ideas that I had was, you know, it'd be really great. I'm driving from all this distance every day. If somebody else was also needed a ride, you know, we could just hop on and share the ride. Or if I needed a ride, I could just hop on. And then right around that time, lift came out. I was like, Holy smokes, because I've heard of her and heard of Uber black, but that was only reserved for black limousines or, and then lift came out just around the same time. And when Conan O'Brien introduced it on his show with ice cube and what's his name? Kevin Hart. I was just my God, this is the best thing ever. And immediately I went and signed up to be a lift driver. And I was like, that was my idea, dude. And then, around the same time, I had another idea that I was working with my two, my two friends. And it was that, you know, a lot of times people at work that commute to commuting for one hour, and you want to get groceries, but you don't have the time to get groceries. But what if you can go inside an app and pick all the groceries you want, and have somebody else shop for you. They're done shopping and they can hand you the bag as you drive up to the store. And now we can see and then around the same time, I heard instacart got $44 million. I was like holy smokes. Right. So it's the implementation power and having those connections because the guy who who started instacart Yeah, he had been at Amazon for a while he ran the prime division. And so he had access to developers he had access To implementers. And having access and having that team is super, super important.

Ramesh Dontha 26:07
Oh, actually I yeah. So now that you're bringing another good point, which is see this podcast that I started in May, you would not believe it that I started that in literally three weeks. Yeah. Right. So my idea of the podcast, somehow it occurred to me like in April timeframe, then, but having the See how I was able to do it in three weeks, is because I had the right team, because yes, I was able to find this gentleman on Upwork because in one evening, I was sitting there, and I said, Hey, I need a good graph. I know somebody who can create this jazzy website, thing of the podcast experience and then I just put it out there. And then this gentleman reached out to me, right, within one day, and then He has experience in creating this authority websites like a moto authors, you know, trying to create a personal brand and podcast host creating a personal brand. So he knows that experience. And then for less than thousand dollars, we were able to get it up and going. And then I was then I could focus on the content side, right? Because I have a good team that's focusing on the technology. So I call him a technology partner that I could go on focus on the content side and get the entrepreneurs get the podcast episodes, edited and all that stuff, right. And then literally, in two months, we launched it. And then by actually, end of June, in we recorded about 25 episodes nice, like a week just, you know, went crazy and that one able to select the entrepreneurs and all that stuff. So I'm in a very agile way we were able to do it, but that was only possible because I had the right right

Junaid Ahmed 28:00

Ramesh Dontha 28:01
Right. And then last year, I was struggling not having the right team. Different things going, but I never found the right quote unquote technology partner.

Junaid Ahmed 28:09
Yeah. Yeah. No, it makes a huge difference. And that's why companies that have they are using an agile methodology they have. Every single person is different. I mean, every person in the team brings different experiences and different expertise, and that is just what makes the team run efficiently and get the work done. Yep. Very powerful.

Ramesh Dontha 28:41
Yeah, agree with that.

Junaid Ahmed 28:44
Alright, man, let's see. We have we've we've covered the journeys, we've covered the motivations behind why we, you know, we as entrepreneurs into you know, coming up with ideas and creating these things or We do this. And we also covered on how using your book, somebody can start a business in 30 days and get their first paying customer within the 30 days or less.

Ramesh Dontha 29:13
Yep. And then with with 60 minutes and the book, it's 60.

Junaid Ahmed 29:16
Yes. It's called 60 minutes startups, the 60 minute startup, the 60 minutes startup. Perfect. I love it. Yeah. So, Ramesh, I've got a few questions that I asked my guests and these are some of the questions that personalize us and connect us from on a different level altogether. If you wanted to add something else, we're happy to add it in. Sure. Definitely. Alright, so what is one hobby that you wish you got into? Acting? Nice. Yeah. So I

Ramesh Dontha 29:56
I'm in if you have not figured out I'm an extrovert You know, I enjoy talking to people, that kind of stuff. But I'm also, you know, just a little bit of, you know, on the quirky side, the crazy side, you know, I do things. So I saw acting. It's something Yeah, definitely. Government.

Junaid Ahmed 30:16
Nice. Well, it's never too late you are in California. That's right. There is an app called backstage Comm. Check it out when you get a chance. I say, All right. I've actually gotten I signed up with backstage com. Last year and so far, I've done a few gigs where I got to be the principal or I got to be an extra in a film set or a TV set. TV show. It's been pretty it's been pretty exciting. Especially being on the other side of the camera because I myself as a video shooter, so it's been it's been pretty exciting. Yeah, second backstage when you get a chance. All right. What is your favorite movie or TV show?

Ramesh Dontha 31:03
Favorite movie or TV show? I don't know. But I always liked the historical movies. And then I go back to me like this Roman history. It really fascinates me. Yeah. So and originally I go back to looking at some of the NPR work that I've done and some of the Roman Roman history like I Claudia serious. One of my all time favorites favorite. It's not current. I know. I understand that. But it doesn't need to but. So things like Gladiator and those things.

Junaid Ahmed 31:45
Oh, my God is one of my favorite movies. Yeah, so it's a

Ramesh Dontha 31:49
it's a historical stuff really fascinates me.

Junaid Ahmed 31:53
Fantastic. All right. What movie would you choose if you got to play a character in it?

Ramesh Dontha 32:01
That is a very if what movie would I choose if I could play?

The Big Short is probably something that I would

write. I know people who are not familiar with it. This is where when the 2009 crash happened in the mall, yeah, that was it going. It's, it's where they profiled this gentleman who actually predicted that and then, so he wrote a book on that one. So the movie is based on that book. So it's all about business. It's all about the emotions of people how they get caught up in the frenzy. It's Yeah, something like that.

Junaid Ahmed 32:44
You know, I'd be really interested to interview that guy right now. Because it's it's almost 10 years since that big crash happened. That's right. And I'm wondering if it's, it's coming again, because everything in this world happens and a cycle inside Right so it's it's like we're around that edge again. It's weird. Yeah. Alright, fantastic. That's next question Who is your favorite superhero?

Ramesh Dontha 33:15
So I mean, I definitely I know some of the drama that's going on between Sony and then I think it's a Marvel or whatever with the Superman was a spider man and all that stuff right? yeah so but my favorite is a Superman.

Junaid Ahmed 33:33
Nice. Superman is one of the most iconic characters. I mean, the entire industry is built around him and and there's this new show on Amazon called the boys. Hmm. You'll have to check that one out.

Ramesh Dontha 33:52
No, I have not seen acted. I'm going to check it out. Yeah,

Junaid Ahmed 33:54
it's it's very eerie. And everything that you know about superhero it puts into questioning what it all is. And so it's really, really interesting it's it's almost like Flashpoint and I don't know if you've seen Flashpoint but it's an alt so if you know flash he can run fast and Oh, yeah, yeah, go back in time. Yeah. Right. So he ended up in Flashpoint where the Justice League took over the world. And they're like, we're superheroes. We're gonna control nobody's gonna, like be like, we're, you know, we are superpowers and you know, they didn't. They basically are the tyrants essentially. Hmm. So the boys is a take on that. Wow. That's a very, very nicely done. Okay, I'm going to check it out. Yeah. Awesome. Last question. If you are a board game, what would it be?

Ramesh Dontha 35:03
That's really good question, man. You know, the thing is, I always liked monopoly for whatever reason, right? So it's like I'm as a family, we play during the holidays and all that stuff. So monopoly is something that I really, really love.

Junaid Ahmed 35:27
Fantastic. Well, romesh this is this was a lot of fun talking with you, especially when, you know, we're, we're diving in the same frequency and you know, talking the same talk and, and having that ability, that experience with being in the Agile environment because I'm a, I'm a user experience designer, coming from, you know, coming from that environment. I've been exposed to that for the past 20 years. And as you is just amazing having that iterative functionality and being able to create something out of nothing. Two weeks at a time, it's just amazing.

Ramesh Dontha 36:10
Yeah, I agree with that. And because, you know, one of the main things that we all I think struggle with is what I call the foot the fear, uncertainty and doubt. So, I mean, the way to take tackle all these things is, you know, actually do something, learn from that. And then, you know, if you're going to fail, you just learn from the mistake and a failure, which we don't want to fail. I mean, we're failing, but it's part of life, right? So acknowledge and accept it. And then remember when we are actually growing up when we are trying to walk? I mean, you fall so many times. Oh, my God. Yeah. Right. I mean, when you're trying to ride the bike, learn, learn to ride the bike. I mean, also many times anytime you fall is not it's good and you don't like it, but You learn from it and then pretty soon you learn to walk and you learn to ride the bike. It's the same thing, right? It doesn't feel that way. But you know, go ahead and get that website out there go ahead and put a you know, email marketing out there and then and then get rid of that fear like I had tell your friends and family that I got the business you know, we are afraid that what will think of me What if I fail, so embarrassed so what you know, it's like a it just get it out there. And then once you overcome that initial fear,

Junaid Ahmed 37:31
you'll keep going. That's so powerful man. I love it. So, the the thing that you need to get over the fud is overcome the fear. And

Ramesh Dontha 37:44
under uncertainty uncertainty can overcome by going like for example, the templates or you know, looking at examples of other things, then it becomes a little bit more certain, okay, I don't know how to send this email to this person. Hey, there's a template. This is worked out for them, then it really uses that uncertainty. Exactly. Right. And then the doubt is something that we got to work on. Right. Yes. Doubt, you know, our doubting ourselves, you know, thinking that others are doubting that is something that we we got to keep constantly working on. I mean, I can't really give much. I mean, I might have struggled with that doubt, sometime in the beginning, right. I mean, but each success adds to that doubt or even the learning from a failure will will add to that will have seen them.

Junaid Ahmed 38:29
Yeah, you're absolutely right, man. So, yeah. Thank you so much, and folks can get in touch with romesh. My audience can find you on romesh danta. com. I'll be sure to include the link on the podcast show notes. Thank you so much, Ramesh. This was this was really delightful and insightful and mind opening. There's a lot of actionable stuff in here.

Ramesh Dontha 38:58
Thank you, Jeanette. I really appreciate it. I'm quite active on LinkedIn. So if people want to connect with me on LinkedIn zremesh danta look out for me. I publish a lot on LinkedIn. And then Jeanette said in a I check all my emails. It's been a fun podcast. Yo, Jeanette, I really, really appreciate it.

Junaid Ahmed 39:20
Thank you so much. Have a good day.

Ramesh Dontha 39:23
And thanks for the tip on the trailer By the way, of course, man.

Junaid Ahmed 39:26
You got it. gratulations you made it to the end of the episode. Thanks so much for listening to our guest on this episode. Please send me an email at Junaid at hats and hobbies. com to tell me what you loved about our guests today. You could find links mentioned in this episode of the hacks and hobbies. com website.

Transcribed by

Junaid Ahmed has been a user experience designer for over 15 years. As a UX professional, he uses the user-centered design philosophy to come up with solutions. Trust the system, it works!

“People say that we only live once, but I believe in living every day!”

Junaid has been interviewing people from all walks of life on his podcast Hacks and Hobbies.